Sunday, 11 October 2015

Benefit They're Real! Push-Up Liner

Sorry that this is the second eyeliner post in two weeks but I thought I would give this eyeliner a review. After hearing raving reviews about it I thought that I would try it out.

Benefit make-up is normally very good and the quality of it is amazing so I had high expectations for this eyeliner especially as it was very expensive for a student budget (£18.50!!). I had read very positive reviews so I was excited to try it out. It has a gel formula and the design of the actual packaging is really good in which it has an angled end where there product comes out. This would have been perfect but what I didn't like was the product itself! 

Firstly to get the product out you have to twist it and then it comes out, when you first get it you should test it out on your hand first to get it at more of an angle to get it to apply easily. I did this and I found that the product was very dry and sort of broke up as I tried to apply it. Also I found it IMPOSSIBLE to get this in a thin and straight line, the product seemed to apply extremely thickly and unevenly. I thought maybe it was the way I was applying it so tried 4 or 5 times to try and perfect top eyeliner with this product - each time I had no luck! I just ended up getting more frustrated because the product never seemed to apply smoothly and broke up each time. 

Moreover, the last time I tried to use this eyeliner nothing would come out when I twisted it but suddenly it exploded and I had black eyeliner all over my hand, needless to say it was a pain to clear up because it is very waterproof and very intense in its pigment of colour. 

I personally was extremely disappointed with this eyeliner because I had such high hopes of it! If you have this eyeliner how do you find it?

Georgie xxx

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